Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Parts 7 & 8, Personal A-Z Challenge

Below are my two drawings for the D-named patterns: Dex, Diva Dance, Drawings, Dribbetz, Drupe, and Dyon.  A couple of the patterns are modified slightly to fit into the representational pieces.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Part 6 - Personal A-Z Challenge, C-patterns

Here is my representational piece using the C-named patterns listed below in part 5.  I did have to modify the crescent moon pattern, and used a more triangular shape, as it fit the picture better.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Part 4 - Personal A-Z Challenge: B-patterns, Non-representational

I somehow missed posting this, but here's the non-representational tangle with the B-named patterns.

Part 5 - Personal A-Z Challenge, C-Patterns, Non-representational

I did the non-representational one first this time.  So, here it is, using: Cadent, Centipede, Chainging, Chartz, Chillon, Cirquital, Cogwheel, Courant, Crescent Moon, Cubine, & Cyme.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Diva Challenge, #301 (http://iamthedivaczt.blogspot.com/)

Duotangle, using paradox and diva dancing. 

I did this one while I was in a meeting.  It would have turned out better if I'd been able to use a smaller tip pen, but it's ok for a first attempt.